====== Wong Xiao-Xia, the Observant Attendant - Gemma W [DROWNED] ====== Xiao-Xia has been Shen Sun Qian's bodyguard for many years. When Sun Qian was made an Honourable Companion, he was invited to dine with the Emperor. Xiao-Xia cast the i ching, and was shown [[http://wengu.tartarie.com/wg/wengu.php?lang=en&l=Yijing&no=27|Corners of the Mouth]]. She read this as an opportunity to wait on Sun Qian and the Emperor, and so she served them both food and drink. As one of the other servants brought a dish to the table, Xiao-Xia noticed him slip something into it. She reacted quickly (if not politely) --- the rice was spilled on the floor, and the servant was on his knees in a throat-lock. Sun Qian quickly performed the correct obeisances of apology, and it was determined that the servant had attempted to poison the Emperor. The servant was taken away, and Xiao-Xia was elevated to Honourable Companion by the grateful Emperor. Since then, she has been known as Wong Xiao-Xia, the Observant Attendant Email: [[wong_xiao_xia@chrysanthemum.chaosdeathfish.com]] {{tag>bio companionbio}}