
OOC Notes

Pronunciation Guide

While we don't expect you to memorise this or even apply it fully, below is a handy pronunciation chart for added authenticity:

c ts as in nets
ch as in chat
g as in girl
j as in jingle
q ch as in cheese
x sh as in sheer
y as in year
z dz as in adze
zh j as in John
a e as in pen in yan, jian, qian, xian; otherwise as in father
ai as aye
ang ong as in wrong
ao ow as in now
e e as in yet in ye, -ie, -ue; otherwise as e in the
ei as in neigh
en un as in fun
eng ung as in rung
er as are
i i as in sir after c, s, z; ir as in sir after ch, sh, zh, r
ie ye in yet
iu as in yoyo
ong as in Achtung
ou as oh
u after j, q, x, and y as ui in suit; otherwise as u in rule
ua after j, q, x, and y as ue in duet; otherwise as wa in water
uai as why
ue as ue in duet
ui as way
uo similar to o in once



The main two inspirations are:

  • Journey to the West by Wu Chen'en
  • Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart

To a lesser extent:

  • Liam Hearn's Tales of the Orochi trilogy



There's a lot of them, among the best are:

  • Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
  • Hero
  • House of Flying Daggers
  • The Bride with White Hair
  • Iron Monkey


These aren't really wuxia, but inspired certain aspects of the setting

  • Kung Fu Hustle: Comedy/parody of wuxia
  • Almost anything by Akira Kurosawa, especially Rashomon and Seven Samurai
  • Red Cliff: a chinese historical epic, not quite wuxia but has lots of nice scenes of battles
  • Disney's epic Mulan
  • A whole bunch of Hong Kong action movies, mostly starring either Chow Yun Fat or Tony Leung such as God of Gamblers and Internal Affairs.

Video Games

There aren't many, but Bioware's Jade Empire was very influential.

ooc.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/08 21:35 by gm_fabio
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