Shen Sun Qian, Governor of Yu Prefecture - Chris V

Shen Sun Qian is the Emperor's second cousin and the Prefectural governor of the important Yu Prefecture. He was granted his post by the Emperor himself rather than being promoted in the usual manner of examinations. It has earned him a certain amount of hostility from some members of the bureaucracy though others don't mind so much since he seems to have exceptional skills at governing his prefecture both in terms of day to day administration as well as in dealing with people. It is also said that he knows everything that is going on throughout his prefecture and thanks to his family contacts throughout the rest of the kingdom too.”



Perhaps the most powerful Councillor to Emperor Shen Ye Zi in the years following the Years of Chaos, the Duke of Wu, Shen Sun Qian was a powerful force for peace in the Empire for the entirety of his long life.
He reconciled the people of Wu with the tribes of the North, and oversaw the peaceful transition to the new model of government first within his province and then within the Empire. His visits to the Capital were frequent, both to advise his Imperial Cousin and to provide tutelage to the young heirs to the throne of Chi'in.
His daughter, Shen Ying Hua, proved a most able and popular Duchess of Wu when he stepped down from the ducal seat, but the people did not soon forget their kind lord and wherever he traveled upon his pilgrimages could count upon a warm reception.
- Great People of Chi'in, Book Seventeen by Silver Eyed Wong

…could achieve a very great age through clean living and pious action. So we see from the life of Shen Sun Qian, who is known to have lived for some three hundred years after he retired from his public duties. Though some might say it was the favour of the August Personage of Jade that accorded Blessed Sun with his extraordinary longevity, the wise understand that it was his ascetic lifestyle and dedication to virtue that cultivated within him a heavenly chi capable of invigorating even aged muscles and…
- Heaven's Blessings by Monk Po

…say that the reign of the Shen Dynasty was truly finished when Blessed Sun crossed the Silver Bridge to Heaven and did not return. A mythic figure of the time, said to have given advice to many Emperor's in their time of need, Blessed Sun is reputed to have advised Empress Shen Hei Feng to reach a peaceful accord with the Five Butterfly Alliance. The Empress's refusal to come to the bargaining table ultimately led to the disastrous defeat at…
- Fall of the Shen Dynasty by Demetrios Pelagius

bio/shen_sun_qian.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/21 09:07 by gm_joe
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