Wong Xiao-Xia, the Observant Attendant - Gemma W [DROWNED]

Xiao-Xia has been Shen Sun Qian's bodyguard for many years. When Sun Qian was made an Honourable Companion, he was invited to dine with the Emperor. Xiao-Xia cast the i ching, and was shown Corners of the Mouth. She read this as an opportunity to wait on Sun Qian and the Emperor, and so she served them both food and drink. As one of the other servants brought a dish to the table, Xiao-Xia noticed him slip something into it. She reacted quickly (if not politely) — the rice was spilled on the floor, and the servant was on his knees in a throat-lock. Sun Qian quickly performed the correct obeisances of apology, and it was determined that the servant had attempted to poison the Emperor. The servant was taken away, and Xiao-Xia was elevated to Honourable Companion by the grateful Emperor.

Since then, she has been known as Wong Xiao-Xia, the Observant Attendant

Email: wong_xiao_xia@chrysanthemum.chaosdeathfish.com

bio/wong_xiao_xia.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/10 21:19 by gm_ivan
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