
A Thousand Imperial Mengs to the first man, woman or child to put something up on this playground!

“Imperial” Mengs aren't worth their weight in silver.

Beware the Council of Old Bastards (You know who you are.)

I don't think hitting a pool of water at terminal velocity is really going to save me from getting Sparta kicked off a mountain by a Horse.

”…Xiao-Xia can be scary when she gets protective. I refer you to the whole “setting fire to my ex-wife” plan if you disagree”

We're “buying” the Queen of Shu… with our fists!

We should totally make “We really didn't think this through, did we?” into our catchphrase.

Our [The Exorcists] motto just seems to be “Everything's fine, stop asking.”

playground/playground.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/12 10:25 by zhou_qin_shu
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